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Installation for yaml-mode

This “theme” needs a little work and configuration before you can first use it, but don’t worry, we have made it as easy as possible. This “tutorial” shows you, how to set this “theme” up in yaml-mode until the first use.

Note: these are the installation instructions, if you use yaml-mode! We do not recommend UI-mode, but if you really need to go with it, than use these instructions.

Let’s get started!

  1. What you should have before you start installing this “theme”
    • You should have a HomeAssistant (HA) instance running, preferrably with HACS installed and you should know the basics in using HA, eg. how to change settings in your lovelace configuration.
    • You have access to your config folder of HA. Doesn’t matter which way this is, but you need to be able to upload and change files in your config. If you’re running HA-OS or a supervised install of HA, we highly recommend the Samba AddOn (see the AddOn page for instructions) and for editing the File editor AddOn or a good editor like Notepad++ or SublimeText for your OS.
  2. Prepare your HomeAssistant installation
    To install this “theme” together with other themes in HA, you need to setup your configuration.yaml to use a themes folder.
    1. Create a folder themes in your config folder
    2. Add this under the section frontend in your configuration.yaml:
        themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
    3. Restart Home Assistant
    4. From now on, you can install new themes, like this one, in your themes folder
    5. We apply this theme later on so just leave it like that for now.

    Note: This is the official, recommended way to handle themes. With this structure you can install themes with HACS.

  3. Download the files
    Go to our repository on Github and download the code by pressing the green “Code” button in the top right corner and choose “Download ZIP”. Save the file on your computer and unpack it.
  4. Upload to your HomeAssistant installation
    • In the downloaded and unpacked file you find a folder config
    • Move inside this folder and upload the two folders minimalist-templates and themes directly into your HA config folder
      This should leave you with the following structure
          └── other folders from Home Assistant, eg. data
          └── minimalist-templates
             └── button_card_templates.yaml
             └── EN.yaml
          └── themes
             └── minimalist-desktop
                └── minimalist-desktop.yaml
             └── minimalist-mobile
                └── minimalist-mobile.yaml
          └── configuration.yaml (from HA)
          └── other files from Home Assistant, eg. home-assistant.log
    • If you want to use a language other than english, see the paragraph at the end of this page for more information about non-english languages.
  5. Installing the lovelace-custom-cards
    Some of our cards need lovelace-custom-cards to work correctly. To install these, we highly recommend to use HACS, as it is the easiest and safest way to install and maintain (update) these cards. Here is a list of the required cards:

    Card Required by
    button-card all cards
    lovelace-card-mod card_light_slider
    mini-graph-card card_graph
    mini-media-player card_media_player
    my-cards (formerly known as ha-slider-card) card_light_slider

    If you don’t want to use HACS to install these cards, please refer to the installation instructions of the specific card!

  6. Setting up a new dashboard and one or more views
    We have now installed the “theme”, so let’s get ready to use it!

    Note: If you know how to setup your own views in yaml_mode or you have your own system for this, just skip this step and move on to the next step.

    Note: What we are doing here, is setting up a new dashboard with one or more views. If you don’t know what this is, please refer to the HomeAssistant documentation to read a little more about it. Basically it is a new entry in your sidebar and one or more tabs under this entry.

    • Open your configuration.yaml and search for the string “lovelace:”.
      If you find the string “lovelace”, compare your entries in configuration.yaml under it (all the entries that are indented) with the code underneath.
      If you can’t find it, add the code underneath to your configuration.yaml and change it to your needs.
        mode: storage
        # Add yaml dashboards
            mode: yaml
            title: Minimalist
            icon: mdi:script
            show_in_sidebar: true
            filename: lovelace-minimalist.yaml
      mode (`storage` or `yaml`) Set the mode to `storage`, than all your UI-configured dashboards will stay configurable that way, only the dashboards you list underneath will use `YAML mode`.
      dashboards This is the starting point for all your new dashboards, that will be using `YAML mode`.
      lovelace-minimalist This is the name and part of the url (path) for your new dashboard. You can choose any name you want, but it must contain a hyphen!
      mode Same as the mode above, but here you must use `yaml`.
      title This is the title of your dashboard (the title shown in the sidebar)
      icon Choose an icon for the sidebar
      show_in_sidebar If this dashboard should show up in your sidebar. It will still be available through the path you set above.
      filename This is the filename for your `view`(s). I normally use the same name for the file and the dashboard name.
    • Now that we have setup our new dashboard, we fill it with views.
      • Create a file called lovelace-minimalist.yaml (or if you have choosen another name under “filename”, use that one) in your HA config folder, the one that configuration.yamlresides in.
      • Open the file and add the following to it:

        button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named minimalist-templates/
          - title: Minimalist
              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: edge
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: title
                    name: Welcome to UI-Lovelace-Minimalist
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: edge
          - title: Minimalist page 2
              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: edge
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: title
                    name: UI-Lovelace-Minimalist second page
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: edge
      • Save the file
  7. Apply the theme
    • Open HA in your browser (just like usual) and go to your user settings (sidebar, last item)
    • Under “theme” select minimalist-desktop
  8. Take a first look
    • Go to your HA homepage and click on the three-dot-menu in the upper right corner.
    • Choose “Reload ressources” and afterwards “Refresh” to reload the page.
    • Look for the entry “Minimalist” in your sidebar and click on it.
    • If everything went fine, you should now see your first page with the “UI-Lovelace-Minimalist” style applied.
  9. Start editing
    Now that you have a first look at your new design, you can start using it by adding other buttons.

This tutorial ends here, if you want to see how to use this “theme”, check out this page. If you want language specific settings see the next paragraph.

Installation of non-english languages

If you use this “theme” in another language than english, you might want to have your states in your language. Unfortunately it is sometimes not possible to use the already translated strings from Home Assistant, so we found a simple solution for this. We offer language specific strings for the main templates, and for custom-cards as well (as long as they are provided by the author).

Use this feature:

  • In the repository or your download you can find a folder called languages, inside this folder you find files for each supported language.
  • Copy your language file into the folder minimalist-templates (that’s the folder where button_card_templates.yaml lives).
  • Delete all other language files but the one you just copied over!
  • There must be only ONE language file present, otherwise your language strings get messed up.

In the end, it should look like this:

  └── minimalist-templates/
     └── button_card_templates.yaml
     └── EN.yaml # or DE.yaml, FR.yaml, IT.yaml

If you’re using custom-cards, follow the instructions in the readme file from the custom-card.

In short, you delete all but one language file in the folder custom-cards > name_of_custom_card > languages.

© by UI-Lovelace-Minimalist 2021

Documentation for ULM version 1.0.0-beta.6