This is a list of available custom-cards, included in the actual version of the download.
Note:Depending on the card you use, there are different things to set. Sometimes the entity is needed, sometimes the entity needs to be set as a variable, eg. ulm_card_xy_entity. In the template list is explained what you have to set.
Legend: variable | entry (eg. entity)
AirCondition Card
by tpx01
The `custom_card_tpx01_aircondition` shows data from your air condition and gives you the possibility to control it.
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This is a `custom-card` to show the pollen count, taken from the DWD pollen service via a rest sensor. This card is only available in german, as the DWD (DeutscherWetterDienst => GermanWeatherService) only publishes data for Germany. If you want a translation added, please feel free to open an issue in the repo.
Additional information
I use the following `rest` and `template` sensors in HA:
The `custom_card_paddy_waste_collection` shows you a button for the next waste collection date. On the day of collection and the day before, the icon and text will be red, to alert you.
Additional information
This is my `sensor` setup in HA. I do the change from "days" to "friendly days" in my template sensor.
Don't forget to set `add_days_to` in your `sensor` config
"HEUTE" is german for today or aujourd'hui | "MORGEN" is german for tomorrow or demain
sensor:-platform: waste_collection_schedule
name: waste_collection_paper
details_format: upcoming
add_days_to:true# this line is importantvalue_template:>-{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}
{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}
{% else %}
in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen
{% endif %}types:- Papiertonne
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The `custom_card_paddy_welcome` shows a welcome message to the logged in user(name) and can show additional infos like news, notifications, weather, buttons or... Three different variants in the download: welcome-card, welcome-card with weather and welcome-card with news (homefeed-card)
Welcome Card
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These are the entities, that get listed in your news-feed. Please see the documentation of home-feed-card to see all the available options. We also provide an example for the configuration in our G.E.T.S. category.